Trump attacks Senators from the FBI, Department of Justice, the Supreme Court, and the Republican Party at the Boxing Day Twitter Tirade

President Donald Trump Went on Boxing Day on Twitter, attacking the FBI, Department of Justice, Supreme Court, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, And other Republican members of the Senate due to various allegations of voter fraud – claiming that it cost him to elect the president-elect. Joe Biden.

In a Saturday morning tweet addressed to the Supreme Court, the president described it as “unqualified and weak” due to its handling of his allegations of fraud in the November elections. The Trump campaign has filed numerous lawsuits, claiming it has evidence of widespread voter fraud in major swing states. Such as Previously mentionedNearly all Trump campaign claims have been dismissed.

The president claimed he had “absolute evidence” of widespread voter fraud during the November elections, but said the Supreme Court “didn’t want to see it.”

“The US Supreme Court was completely incompetent and weak on the massive electoral fraud that occurred in the 2020 presidential election. We have absolute evidence, but they don’t want to see it – no” standing, “as they say. If we were and wrote,” We have corrupt elections and we have no country. ” .

The Department of Justice and the FBI also condemned in a tweet: “The Department of Justice and the FBI have done nothing about rigging the 2020 presidential election, the biggest fraud in our nation’s history, despite the overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember.”

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In another Twitter post, the president blamed Republicans for not working hard enough to nullify the election results. Trump said that his Democratic counterparts from among the Republican senators would view the “rigged and stolen” elections as an act of war and [would] Fight to the death “- before claiming McConnell and the other Republican senators had done nothing, mocking them by saying,” No fight! “

Trump also called for the release of the “Durham Report”, which was supposedly written by Special Counsel John Durham and his investigations into the relations between Trump campaign and Russia. In his tweet, the president asked where the report was, and said, “They spied on my campaign and colluded with Russia (and others) and were arrested.”

As indicated Horowitz Report –And it’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the Trump campaign and Russia – he says so New York times (Favorite target of media attacks Trump) described as “bad.”

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“They tried everything and failed, so now they are trying to steal the elections,” he wrote on Twitter.

Before changing the topics of his tweets to the COVID stimulus bill, Trump shared an anecdote that a “young man” told him that elections in Afghanistan are safe and are going better than the US elections this year.

Newsweek I contacted the Trump campaign for comment.

US President Donald Trump arrives to speak at the summit of Operation Warp Speed ​​Vaccine. On December 08, 2020 in Washington, DC.
Tassos Catopods / Getty Images

Ross Schultz

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