Mississippi officials said the state has run out of coronavirus vaccines after vaccination appointments stick to their full supply. Mississippi Department of Health (MSDH) He said in a statement On Wednesday, its vaccine deployment plan has "been dramatically revised in…
Trešdien, 13. janvārī, lai atzīmētu 1991. gada janvāra šķēršļu trīsdesmito gadadienu, notika konference “X stunda”. Pasākuma organizatori teica, ka barikādes bija 30 collas. Tajā piedalījās locekļi, kas tajā laikā aktīvi darbojās barikādēs, Tautas frontē, kā arī bijušie valdības un Augstākās…
GameStop (GME) - Get a report Stocks rose on Wednesday as investors interacted with recently appointed video game retailer board members encouraging the holiday sales results.Shares in Grapevine, Texas, last check up 68% to $ 33.45.Earlier this week, the retailer…
Rebel Wilson She revealed that she was kidnapped at gunpoint.The actress, who has been documenting her weight loss journey throughout the year, has appeared in an episode of the series.Speech straightFor Sky One. The show takes the celebs and puts…
It was flown into space in November 2019 and March 2020, respectively, as part of an experiment organized by European startup Space Cargo Unlimited (SCU), in a statement published on Monday.The SpaceX capsule is scheduled to land on Wednesday, according…
I haven't played Mario Kart Tour So far, but Nintendo has finally added a feature that totally convinced me to play. You can now race in a hot dog cart. You can see the hot dog cart - which Leaderhusen…
The current Italian Senator, former Prime Minister and head of the political party 'Italia Viva' (IV), Matteo Renzi holds a press conference on January 13, 2021 at the Italian House of Representatives in Rome.Alberto Pizzoli | Agence France-Presse | Getty…
Preses konferencē tika paziņoti 2020. gada Lielās mūzikas balvas (LMB) nominanti šādās kategorijās: Mūža ieguldījumam Gada labākais koncerts, gada labākais jaunais mākslinieks, gada labākais mūziķis, par izcilu sniegumu visa gada garumā, par izcilu darbu grupā, gada labāko jaundarbu, par radošu,…
Des Moines, Iowa - Lottery players grabbed the eighth biggest jackpot in US history Tuesday night, thanks to months without a jackpot winner.The main spouse donates thousands to supermarket employees after winning a million dollars on a scratchable lottery ticketThe…
Even when the FBI started Make sweeping arrests Of the sedition that attacked the US Capitol building last week, Stephen Colbert asked, "Do you know who does not take extreme right terrorism seriously at all? The President."During that Late Show…