Brīnišķīgas animācijas piezīmesMans mīļākais karšRakstnieks un režisors atkārto Ilse Burkovska JacobsenBērnība Padomju Latvijā 20. gadsimta 70. un 80. gados. Norvēģijas Latvijas komandas deviņu gadu smaga darba rezultāts apvieno atšķirīgu grieztu animāciju, ģimenes fotogrāfijas un arhīva kadrus, lai ieskatītos autoritārā sabiedrībā…
Category: entertainment
Ceturtdien, 2021. gada 21. janvārī, 18:27Preses relīze: Papagaiļu analīze NENT grupa paplašina savu konkurētspēju, redzot globālo pieprasījumu pēc televīzijasStokholma (2021. gada 21. janvāris) - Gatavojoties sākt Viaplay straumēšanas pakalpojumu 10 starptautiskos tirgos, Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group) ir izvēlējusies vadošo…
Yan Bingtao Foto: VCGYan Pingtao cēlās no sliktas darba klases un spēlē, lai atbalstītu savu vēža slimnieku māti, lai kļūtu par jaunāko sporta brīnumbērnu Ķīnā.20 gadus vecā snūkera zvaigzne apdullināja četrkārtējo pasaules čempionu Džonu Higinsu ar rezultātu 10-8, lai svētdien…
Chrissy Teigen is the last celebrity to celebrate the presidential inauguration in 2021 in A. Monochrome look. After former first lady Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush attended the historic day's party in various shades of purple, Teigen shared…
THere is a true tragic force in this brutal and almost unbearably shocking film from writer and director Yasamila Abanik on The Srebrenica massacre in 1995 During the Bosnian War, in which more than 8,000 unarmed Bosnian Muslims were killed,…
Speculating on the rumors surrounding pro wrestling is a favorite pastime for many fans, perhaps second only to watching the matches already. In this daily column, we take a look at the latest rumors raised by the professional wrestling rumor…
Bree Stoos And the Chris Watson They listen to their hearts - and they realize it was time to move on.E! The news learned exclusively the winning couple from Bachelor: Listen to your heart She decided to split after about…
A vegetarian restaurant in the southwest France It has a Michelin star, the first of its kind for an organization offering only animal-free products in France.Claire Valley runs the ONA restaurant - which it stands for Non-animal origin In Ares,…
Ruling party politicians are calling for the show to be removed, saying it was "intentionally mocking the Hindu deities."The crew and crew of a popular broadcast series starring Bollywood superstar Saif Ali Khan have apologized after politicians from the ruling…
Fans can add Betty White To the list of actors Ryan Reynolds Sheltersrunner"With.The "Dead listActor, known for his comedic events with proverbs Chris Hemsworth And the Hugh Jackman, To Instagram on Sunday to wish White a happy 99th birthday.The two…